Drone filming in Saudi Arabia

I recently had the opportunity to film in Saudi Arabia, a country that is increasingly becoming a popular destination for tourists. OR Media, a video production company based in London, has been running multiple shoots over the past year, creating a load of content to promote Saudi Arabia as a tourism destination. During our time in Saudi Arabia, we had the chance to visit some incredible sites, including Hegra and Neom.

Hegra, also known as Mada'in Saleh, is an ancient city located in the north-western region of Saudi Arabia. It is an important archaeological site that dates back to the Nabatean civilization, which also built the famous city of Petra in Jordan. Hegra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been incredibly well-preserved, making it a fascinating destination for tourists.

Neom, on the other hand, is a completely different story. It is a brand new project that is currently under construction and is set to become a futuristic city that will span over 10,000 square miles. Located in the north-western region of Saudi Arabia, Neom is being built from scratch, and the project aims to be completely sustainable, with a focus on renewable energy and modern technology. The project is being funded by the Saudi Arabian government and is set to be completed by 2030.

As a drone operator, filming at Neom was a unique experience. Saudi Arabia has strict laws regarding drones, and it is illegal to bring a drone into the country without prior permission. This meant that I had to operate a local operator's drone, which was a bit of a challenge, as I had to familiarize myself with the drone and its controls quickly. However, I was able to get some incredible footage of the city, which showcases the futuristic architecture and design.

Overall, filming in Saudi Arabia was an incredible experience, and it was a privilege to be part of OR Media's efforts to promote the country as a tourism destination. The trip allowed us to capture some stunning footage, and we hope that our work will help attract more tourists to this fascinating and unique part of the world.

John Duncan