Drone footage used by Visit Scotland

Visit Scotland recently released an edit which reflects upon the current Corona Virus lockdown. Great to see the opening shot which I captured from the Isle of Eigg looking towards Rum a few years ago. What a trip that was! The island doesn’t allow any cars so we had to load up the bikes and cycle in ourselves - this was after charting a boat from the mainland to get the last minute break in the weather. Good times!

You can check out the edit I made about the lockdown here.

We are all learning how precious life is in these difficult times. Life is enjoying a meal with friends and family. Life is roaming in the mountains and glens or relaxing by the seaside. Life is the excitement of exploring a new city or town. No one knows what the future holds, but we are all in this struggle together. We must live apart to save lives, for now. Let this distance bring us closer. This is a time for reflection, heart, and hopefully, inspiration. Although you cannot visit our welcoming country right now, we are with you, and we want you to know that we will be here when things calm down. For those dreaming of a visit to Scotland during these challenging times, keep an eye out for new articles and videos like this one, created at home by the #visitscotland team. Our hearts go out to all those suffering at home and across the world.

Stay home, stay safe

John Duncan